Chic beautique
Also known as 'fat freezing', Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical treatment used to destroy fat cells. It relies on controlled cooling to near sub-zero temperatures, reducing fat cells and localised troublesome deposits, reshaping body contours.
For 12 weeks following your Fat Freeze Treatment, you must drink at least 2 litres of water every day. This aids the 'flushing out' process of the fat via your lymphatic system.
Maintaining a healthy diet with sensible portion control can serve to ensure that the dead cells are not replaced. Whilst the treatment offers permanent fat loss for the area treated, it stands to reason that if you chose to live a sedentary lifestyle with poor diet choices, eventually the fat cells that were destroyed by the treatment will be replaced.
It is advisable to undertake some light exercise 2-3 times a week for 25-30 minutes at a time. These could include brisk walking, light jogging, or swimming, and will positively impact your end results.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours following your treatment. We also recommend that your intake over the 12 week period is moderated as both of these contain toxins that dehydrate you and will hinder the elimination of fat from your body.
Avoid high temperature environments such as sun beds, saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs for 24 hours after your treatment. You can however have a luke warm bath or shower in the evening following your treatment.
Mild to severe bruising can occur following the fat freeze treatment as a result of the vacuum device used during the process. This is a temporary side effect.
Slight swelling can occur in the treated area. Again, this is a temporary side effect.
Immediately after the treatment, the area can appear red and raised, and the skin will feel cold to the touch. This will return to normal within a few minutes.
A temporary loss of sensation can occur in the area treated.
top tips
Drink 2-3 litres of water daily, keeping a large bottle with you at all times. You can infuse the water with lemons, limes, cucumber, or herbs instead of using cordials
Change your lifestyle - reduce alcohol and junk food intake.
Prepare meals in advance and have healthy snacks to hand.
Cut down on processed food and refined sugar, as well as unhealthy carbs.
Eat plenty of protein including chicken, eggs, and fish. Opt for healthy carbs such as sweet potato and rye bread. Quinoa (essentially both protein and carb) is another good choice.
Eat plenty of fresh green leaves including cabbage, spinach, and kale.
Try supplements and minerals to boost your intake being careful not to exceed the recommended maximum doses.